Fresh Ideas for Effective Sales Enablement Content

Flockjay Team

We've all heard the phrase "Content is King" in marketing circles. But effective content is just as important in sales. It plays a massive part in selling and supports your representatives throughout the sales process.

In today's ultra-competitive sales market, every edge and advantage can make a difference. Sales enablement strategies arm your team with everything they need to generate revenue and boost your bottom line. But your enablement efforts need solid content to make it happen. Think of the content as the fuel for your sales engine. Without it, your team can't cross the finish line.

Need some new inspiration to spice things up? Here are some ideas that your sales enablement team can use to beef up your sales content arsenal.

1. Turn Top Reps into Sales Content Engines

What better way to develop new content ideas than looking at your most successful sales reps? The world of sales has a bad rep for being competitive. While healthy rivalries never hurt anyone, it's important to remember that your entire team is working toward the same goal. Instead of pitting people against one another for the sake of competition, you can foster an environment of collaboration and peer-to-peer coaching.

Sales enablement platforms are fantastic for capturing winning moments. Flockjay has an activity feed that's perfect for sharing wins, losses, and teachable moments. Use that as inspiration and use those memorable sales moments for one-of-a-kind content creation.

Look no further than some of your top-performing sales representatives. Examine their activity and pick out the most impressive winning moments you've managed to capture. Figure out what it is that pushed the sale over the edge. What convinced the prospect, and what stood out?

Don't be afraid to have a conversation with your superstars and brainstorm content. As a sales leader, their success is your success and vice versa. Talk about their winning strategies and create content around what you learn.

Those top performers are the ultimate source of proven success in your company. So why not use them as inspiration for new content the rest of the team can use?

Take those winning moments and develop innovative sales strategies and best practices. Who knows? That content could be the thing that takes your entire team to new heights!

2. Think Differently About Prospect Personas

Personas are valuable to both marketing teams and sales professionals. Think of prospect personas as breakdowns of the type of people you're trying to sell to. There's a good chance that your product or service caters to a specific person. You might have a broad target sales audience in mind, but personas take things further.

They help your team understand your targets' personalities, traits, and motivations. Why would they want your product, and how can you use what you know about new customers to close a deal?

While incredibly useful, many sales reps don't use them to their full potential. It's a type of marketing content that often gets lost in the shuffle as teams focus on casting as wide of a net as possible. Why is that?

In most cases, businesses fail to change those personas as the market evolves. People change, and their needs rarely remain the same over an extended period. Think about the products and services you liked five years ago. Are they the same today? In all likelihood, they aren't. So why treat your prospect personas as a static thing?

Failing to adjust prospect personas is a great way to lose touch with your audience. Treat those persona documents as ever-changing references. They can evolve as your team gains more insight and ideas. Refer to it regularly and make adjustments as needed to ensure that your reps have the latest information.

3. Have a Pain Point Experience and Empathy Strategy

The best way to truly connect with potential customers is to have a little empathy. Understanding where prospects come from and how they think can dramatically change your sales approach. Every customer has a reason for seeking out your product. They also have unique challenges and pain points without a known solution.

Demonstrating experience with those struggles is a fantastic way to encourage new compelling solutions. It helps sales reps connect with prospects on a more profound level and grants the insight they need to develop a strategy that works for every individual client. It's like putting yourself in their shoes. Experiencing the same things allows your reps to see the sales process from a brand-new perspective.

One thing you can do to create valuable content for your sales enablement strategies is to look at the customer experience. Provide the insight your team needs to gain a new perspective. You can have your sales enablement team develop story-like write-ups, conversation scripts, and detailed strategies that focus on an empathetic approach. Consider providing metrics and documents that paint a vivid picture of your prospects' unique pain points.

That content equips your team to convince potential customers you understand their problems, know the possible use cases of the product, and have the solutions people need.

4. Develop a Compelling Competitor Analysis Report

There's no better way to let your prospective clients know that you have the best offer around than having a cheat sheet of competitors' information to back up your claims. A competitor analysis report can take on many forms. However, they're usually short infographics that cover all the essentials.

These reports should go over each of your business rivals and include information about pricing, features, typical clientele, add-ons, and anything relevant to your sales process. The point of competitor analysis is to compare and contrast. It's a way to explicitly point to specific details about what your rivals offer and highlight why your product or service is miles better!

It's not about trash-talking at any given opportunity. Instead, it's about having a matter-of-fact approach to why your business is better. Your team can use these reports when handling objections and detailing why your product offering is top-of-the-line.

In addition to digging deep and getting all the information about your competitors, make sure to have some of your accolades ready. It always pays to bring up achievements, industry shout-outs, and other successes to prove why you're the company they should turn to for business.

5. Add Conversion Goals to Sales Communication

You don't have to limit sales conversation success to getting an email reply. Cold-calling and sending emails is one of the more challenging parts of the sales process. Most of those attempts at generating leads fall on deaf ears, making it a big deal when a rep finally gets a reply.

Give prospects other easy ways to engage with your sales team. While potential clients might be hesitant to reach out directly, they might have some interest. Ensure that all of your client communication channels include clickable elements like website links, calendar links, phone numbers, and email addresses, so potential customers have more ways to engage.

Robust conversation goals offer more call-to-action opportunities. This CTA content is versatile and applicable across different content channels. Your team can use it on social media posts, emails, and more to encourage engagement without traditional phone or email replies.

Create Your Best Sales Content with Flockjay

Ready to generate some new sales enablement content strategies? Check out Flockjay! Flockjay is an all-in-one software platform that supports sales teams in everything they do. Create killer enablement content and make it all available from one place.

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