Give Reps the Tools to Learn Quickly and Succeed in Sales

Give Reps the Tools to Learn Quickly and Succeed in Sales

Flockjay makes it easy to teach new (and experienced) sales reps to win more and love their work.

Flockjay makes it easy to teach new (and experienced) sales reps to win more and love their work.

Create an impactful learning experience and prepare your sales teams for anything. Flockjay is an LMS software solution that makes training, onboarding, and peer coaching effortless. Elevate your team and empower them with the skills they need to succeed in every sales situation.

How Flockjay helps sales teams learn and win together

Sales learning processes are notoriously dull and unhelpful. But when you turn to Flockjay, you can teach your team at their own pace while creating an engaging experience that sticks. From proven online courses to custom content that teaches best practices for your company, here's how Flockjay can help your team.

Create training materials that evolve with your industry

Sales are ever-evolving. What works now might not work a year from now. But with Flockjay, you never have to worry about outdated information. With our platform, you can create custom training content that grows with your industry. Keep your reps updated on the latest strategies, and watch the winning moments continue rolling in.

Capture perfect sales moments and turn them into best practices

What better way to learn than to see real-life examples from peers? Never miss a share-worthy moment again! Capture impressive sales scenarios and analyze them to figure out what works. Use that information to create brand-new teachable sales strategies your company can use time and time again for repeated success!

Onboard new reps quicker, for rapid ramp times and early success

Say goodbye to lengthy ramp-up times. Whether you're hiring a single employee or have an entire team of new hires that need to get up to speed, Flockjay has you covered. Onboard your recruits in no time and give them quick access to all the training materials they need to hit the ground running. In addition to onboarding tools, Flockjay makes it possible to share knowledge, train new hires remotely, and welcome new team members into the sales family.

Cultivate peer-to-peer learning with real-time prompts and a live feed

Your sales representatives don't have to face challenging situations on their own. Flockjay is one of the best platforms for peer-to-peer learning. Facilitate the exchange of ideas and have your top sellers share their wisdom as trusted trainers. Thanks to features like live feedback and interactive prompts, coaching salespeople and harnessing the knowledge of your entire sales department has never been easier.

Combine analytics with training for a data-driven LMS

Do more than make training materials and sales courses available to new and existing hires. Go one step further by utilizing analytics to make every lesson count. The Flockjay LMS can provide powerful insight into an individual's selling skills and sales techniques. Find areas that need improvement and use the software to fine-tune learning strategies for the best results possible.

Build a sales community combining in-person and remote teams

Close the communication gap between sales teams and give everyone a digital space to collaborate. Virtual classrooms and collaborative spaces on the Flockjay platform pave the way for real-time communication and realistic engagement. Train your entire team, foster that peer-to-peer learning environment, and encourage your sales organization to win together.

Industries We Empower

Flockjay isn't limited to one industry. It is versatile enough to assist sales professionals far and wide. Here's a taste of some of the sectors we empower every day.


Whether you're selling hardware, software as a service, or revolutionary new concepts poised to change the world, Flockjay helps your tech sales team navigate the complexities of this industry. Keep your reps updated on the ever-changing tech field and provide them with all the training materials they need to sell your products or services confidently.


Reach out to B2B clients and turn your team into high-impact sales professionals. Manufacturing can offer up lucrative deals. Make sure that your reps are ready to handle the challenges of this industry with a learning platform built for their success.


Teach your sales about the ins and outs of the high-regulation world of finance and fintech. Provide a single source of truth and all the enablement content they could ever need to close deals and boost your bottom line.


Healthcare sales don't have to be intimidating. Equip your sales team with the knowledge required to sell products and services to hospitals, clinics, and everything in between. Use the Flockjay LMS to ensure every rep can access enablement content and other critical resources.


Use online sales training and the feature-rich Flockjay LMS to prepare your sales force for any challenging media pitch. Encourage your sales department to share knowledge in real-time, provide easy access to scripts, and foster an environment of peer coaching.

Sales Learning Software Built for Success

Flockjay is more than a simple training tool. It's a single source of truth and a platform for continued collaboration. Sales representatives, old and new, can harness the capabilities of the Flockjay platform to reach their full potential and create more winning moments. Let your sales team take flight and provide the support they need to become selling superstars! Book your demo today and see what the Flockjay software has to offer.

Sales Learning Software Built for Success

Flockjay is more than a simple training tool. It's a single source of truth and a platform for continued collaboration. Sales representatives, old and new, can harness the capabilities of the Flockjay platform to reach their full potential and create more winning moments. Let your sales team take flight and provide the support they need to become selling superstars! Book your demo today and see what the Flockjay software has to offer.